Its funny what things people will turn into games. When you walk into someone’s office (who has way too much time on his hands), you might catch him stringing up paperclips. After you sit down, pick up the newspaper on his desk to scan through the headlines, you lower it, and still find him fiddling with those paperclips. You let out half a smile, and lift up your paper until the CEO of the company walks in to the office. Suddenly, you find yourself up on your feet, “Saba7k Allah Bil 5air Bu-Flaan”. Besides the wide age gap between the CEO and yourself, there is the significant difference in stature: he’s a CEO and you’re an employee. Then to your surprise, you look to your friend who’s sitting on the desk…
He’s let out a smile “Saba7 il 5air”, yet his eyes are still fixed to the paperclips, and he’s made no effort to stand. The CEO seats himself down, and now its you, your fiddler of a friend and the man who decides your future all in one small office. To your surprise, the CEO begins a conversation with your friend, while not really reacting to the fact that your friend is replying in “hmms” and “ahaaas” working on what he’s now decided will be the longest paperclip snake in the world. After 3 minutes, the CEO with his mood unchanged, stands up and leaves this office. No reaction to the blatant disregard to company time, no reaction to the lack of respect shown to his stature, no reaction to the nonchalant grunts that countered his attempt at dialogue…. What the hell just happened?
Congratulations to the tribes on their successful far3eeyat…you officially have the longest paperclip snake in Kuwait.
catchy title
u have a thing with far3iyaat la7a'6t, u dont like them do u?
And the paperclip snake continues...
L.R.643: Hehe...on a personal level, I don't like them. I think that they proved their ineffeciancy when, ma3a kil i7tiraamy, naja7ow 7aaris madrissa (who retired and became saayig taxi) because a) he comes from a big "fi5uth" in the tribe and b) yiwajib.
That's not my main point here though...I feel that the law should be respected and its not in any Kuwaiti's interest for the law to be broken in such a blatant way. If there are enough MPs against the Far3eeya law, they can vote to have it revoked in a constitutional way. Until then, the law is not a suggestion...its the law. Hehe...the paperclip snake does continue...
5osh analogy
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